Hands using a digital map on a tablet in an urban setting at night, illustrating navigation and technology.

What Would You Keep?

The end of the world is coming, and only you know when. What would you keep? 

A quick survey of the internet shows some popular choices:

  1. GPS
  2. Knife
  3. Fishing net
  4. Sun protection
  5. Hammock
  6. First aid kit
  7. Blanket

And of course, your towel.

But let’s talk about GPS, that salvation of husbands everywhere (myself included). 


What is GPS?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a set of satellites orbiting the earth over 12,000 miles high. There are 30+ operational and at least 6 visible at all times from any point on earth. They constantly transmit a signal that is picked up by your phone or dedicated GPS device to pinpoint your location (including altitude). 

By tracking where you are now and where you were a few seconds ago, they can even calculate how fast you are traveling.


How Long Before I’m Lost?

Not as long as you might think.

The satellites are designed to last over 10 years in orbit, based on how much fuel they have and other factors such as exposure to radiation. The big issue isn’t how long they will stay up there, but how long they will be accurate.

The American military manages and updates the GPS satellites. If these updates stopped, the quality of the data they transmit would degrade in a matter of days (so I’ve heard).

How would you navigate if you didn’t have a GPS?


Post-Apocalyptic Link

Our stories span the time before the apocalypse until after. Ruins and Betrayal, for example, is four years after society breaks down. The characters are still able to use GPS, but only because… well, you’ll have to read the story when it is published.


What Would You Miss After The Apocalypse?

Share your thoughts in a comment below.

2 thoughts on “What Would You Keep?”

  1. I would miss access to Wikipedia or basically the ability to google answers that are widely available about how things work, how to fix things, make things, cook things, heal things etc. Is this wild mushroom poisonous? What are the symptoms of malaria? How do I make alcohol? Can I grow my own penicillin? All the basic knowledge of mankind that is currently Google-able. Could an ereader hold all all of Wikipedia pages, subpages etc. Is that not a single item? Maybe not. Maybe I’m wishing for extra wishes which is not allowed in the genie rule book. Nevertheless that’s where my mind went. I’d miss access to knowledge.

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